“Everything” for Myself

Everything can only describe Anything

July's Small Talk


What's in it for whom?

Everyone might be saying like “What’s in it for me?”


People who are kind because they are liars and people who are unfriendly because they are honest.

Accept complex things as they are complex

Even bad people have something to respect. So complicated but just accept as they are.


One Grand prix for women only

Good. Very nice. I might not like the idea so much though. Oda Ueda, the Yoshimoto mainstay and R-1 winner, Yurian, took The-W and said, "What's the point of winning with all the women?" I'd rather look down and know the depth of it when I see them jump up than squat down and give them eye contact.


“I’m going to create a good prejudice”

You are definitely right. Because I'm just like that, but I don't want to give up. You can compromise, but it should be a choice as a compromise.


Thanks to the earth. But Earth, you should thank us too.